Hi, my name is Roman Artemyev
I'm Front-end Web Developer.

About Me

About me

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I'm an aspiring web-developer located in Russia, Rostov-on-Don. I'm currently improving and expanding my web development skills. I'm passionate about logic,code and design. My goal is to do interesting and useful things using modern tools and solutions.

I strive to continue learning, to challenge myself, both as a developer and as a person. Well-organised employee with high attention to detail. A fast learner, able to pick up new skills and juggle different projects and roles with relative ease.

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Restaurant SPA on React + Redux.

A single-page restaurant application written in React and Redux, using asynchronous requests to an external JSON Data Base.

See Live Source Code


A Single Page Application for the Game of Thrones universe written in React and using asynchronous API requests.

See Live Source Code


Simple Twitter-like application on React using JSX syntax.

SPA simulates the work of a blog, such as Twitter, with the ability to add and delete messages, count their number and put likes

See Live Source Code


Disign sudio landing page based on the layout.

Landing page with JS elements and CSS animations using HTML + CSS + JS with adaptation for all screen sizes.

See Live Source Code


Responsive web-design landing page with modal, forms and animations

Landing page of a pulse monitor store with adaptive design, JS technologies and plugins. Also involved is sending the form and PHPmailer

See Live Source Code


Web page of yoga tours with interactive content written in native JavaScript

A project demonstrating the implementation of Tabs, Modal windows, a Slider, a cost calculator and a sending form in JavaScript ES6+ using Promise, AJAX, JSON.

See Live Source Code


Responsive web-design landing page

A simple landing page based on the layout using HTML+CSS with adaptation to different device screens

See Live Source Code


Currency converter using JSON and XMLHttpRequest.

A JavaScript application for currency conversion using external JSON, Promises. Also adapted for all devices.

See Live Source Code


Budget and Savings calculator in native Javascript

A small landing page with JavaScript application for expenses and incomes calculating.

See Live Source Code


Exercise with JS + Jquery on a simple tourist tour landing page

A small landing page using Jquery syntax.

See Live Source Code


One page landing about Wordpress learning based on Photoshop layout

It's a simple landing based on the photoshop layout using clear HTML5 and CSS3.

See Live Source Code

Let's talk

Cooperation offers, freelancing, projects or even a coffee

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